I LOVE school visits. I used to be a teacher, so it feels like home to me.
Jana Dillon's Writers Workshop--Grades 1-5

Here's a review and description of my Writers Workshop by teacher Anna Fernbach Slater. "Jana Dillon's . . . Writing Workshop at East Taunton Elementary was a smashing success! Leading students through the entire writing process from start to finish, Jana had our students actively engaged in their story creation. She guided students to create their own protagonist and antagonist, to use sensory language, to infuse emotion, to utilize a variety of additional literary devices, and to construct a plot and resolution. Her ability to break down the story writing process, from the first stages of brainstorming to plot resolution, in a creative, accessible and age appropriate manner was highly impressive. Her uncommon gifts as an educator truly rival her gifts as an author. We are so fortunate to have had Jana Dillon visit and we thank her for bringing her charisma and inspiration to East Taunton Elementary yet again."
I use drawing and a bit of acting to spur the students into rich writing. My friend who marks the MCAS, told me what they look for, so I bring this knowledge to the students.
I can do as many sessions--up to five--that your school can fit into the day's schedule. The sessions can be 45 minutes or an hour, depending on your needs. Each session can have up to six classes in attendance. Email me at JanaDillonHamby@gmail.com.
I use drawing and a bit of acting to spur the students into rich writing. My friend who marks the MCAS, told me what they look for, so I bring this knowledge to the students.
I can do as many sessions--up to five--that your school can fit into the day's schedule. The sessions can be 45 minutes or an hour, depending on your needs. Each session can have up to six classes in attendance. Email me at JanaDillonHamby@gmail.com.
Jana Dillon Presentation: Children as Authors

Reviews: "Jana Dillon is a multi-talented author/illustrator whose books come to life via her animated presentation. What an actress! She holds the children in the palm of her hand. Our school has authors speak to the children each year; without a doubt, Jana has been the most authentic, child friendly, exuberant talent that we have hosted." Beth Johnson, principal
"The children were enthralled! On the children's level and of interest to all of them. This is the kind of program we should have more often." G. LaDue, teacher
"The children and I were extremely interested as well as enthused. I believe they left with a wealth of knowledge and the belief that they too could write and illustrate a story." L. Lamarca, teacher
During the presentation, I read a book, then explain--and act out--how it was created from the original brainstorming, writing, editing, and illustrating to the finished book. I show the children how to improve their own writing and how to find story ideas. It ends with a question and answer session.
The presentations are 20 minutes for preschoolers, 30 minutes for kindergarten, and 35-40 minutes for older grades.
To book, email me at JanaDillonHamby@gmail.com.
"The children were enthralled! On the children's level and of interest to all of them. This is the kind of program we should have more often." G. LaDue, teacher
"The children and I were extremely interested as well as enthused. I believe they left with a wealth of knowledge and the belief that they too could write and illustrate a story." L. Lamarca, teacher
During the presentation, I read a book, then explain--and act out--how it was created from the original brainstorming, writing, editing, and illustrating to the finished book. I show the children how to improve their own writing and how to find story ideas. It ends with a question and answer session.
The presentations are 20 minutes for preschoolers, 30 minutes for kindergarten, and 35-40 minutes for older grades.
To book, email me at JanaDillonHamby@gmail.com.

"There wasn't one boring minute!" Virginia State Reading Association
"Outstanding!" Massachusetts Reading Association
"Inspiring!" Title 1 Conference
"Wonderful!" Rhode Island International Reading Association Event
"Everything in her blurb and more!" Title 1 Conference
"A must for teachers who love to teach writing!" Title 1 Conference
"She has a wonderful personality as a presenter." Virginia Educational Media Association York Region Spring Conference
"Super delivery!" Kid'rific, Hartford, CT
"Very engaging!" Chapter 1 Conference
Inspiring Children to Read, Write, and Edit
Teachers as Inspiration
Children as Authors: Suggestions for the Classroom
Writing and Illustrating a Children's Book
Email me at JanaDillonHamby@gmail.com
"There wasn't one boring minute!" Virginia State Reading Association
"Outstanding!" Massachusetts Reading Association
"Inspiring!" Title 1 Conference
"Wonderful!" Rhode Island International Reading Association Event
"Everything in her blurb and more!" Title 1 Conference
"A must for teachers who love to teach writing!" Title 1 Conference
"She has a wonderful personality as a presenter." Virginia Educational Media Association York Region Spring Conference
"Super delivery!" Kid'rific, Hartford, CT
"Very engaging!" Chapter 1 Conference
Inspiring Children to Read, Write, and Edit
Teachers as Inspiration
Children as Authors: Suggestions for the Classroom
Writing and Illustrating a Children's Book
Email me at JanaDillonHamby@gmail.com
To see an interview with Jana Dillon, go to:
Schools, libraries, and other non-profits can apply for a matching grant from CreativeGround.org matching grants.